Mar-ssage Chairs

So, we were at the mall today, just walking around, when we spotted a couple of those coin-operated massage chairs sitting empty in the middle of the walkway. I pointed them out and said, "Hey, look, massage chairs."

"Mar-ssage chairs?" you asked, in your cute, raspy little voice (you're just getting over a cold).

I chuckled. "Yes, honey. Do you want to try one?"

You were definitely game. I fed a dollar into the slot for a 3-minute "mar-ssage." At first you were digging it... feels pretty good!

But after about 30 seconds, you said, "Daddy, I don't like this."

I can't really blame you, honey. Those "mar-ssage" chairs have a tendency to feel a bit like torture chairs. They really work you over.

So we ended up finishing up the 3-minute "mar-ssage" with you sitting in my lap.

Much better!



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