Evening Stroll, Dog Fishing, DQ Rescue

Tonight we braved the still-hot evening air and went for a stroll with Bella. Still powerful warm at but she -- and you -- didn't seem to mind.

You grabbed a stick and told me you had a great idea!

Your stick soon became a "rod and reel" and Bella's leash a "fishing line."

Wow! You caught a big one! A rare, land-dwelling Yorkshire terrier dogfish!

We continued on our walk and ended up at DQ. Both of us were pretty hot and weary from our walk -- look at my shirt in this picture! I end up carrying you for the latter half of our walks so I was sweating like a prizefighter.

Needless to say, DQ loomed like an oasis in the desert. We couldn't wait to cool off with a treat inside. We ordered and you wanted your usual -- vanilla cone dipped in chocolate. But then, a crisis -- I had forgotten my wallet back home! Daddy was in serious trouble... you were very disappointed.

And then... an angel named Ashley came to the rescue. She works at the DQ and heard our tale of woe, caught my eye, and went and made your dipped kiddie cone for you on the house. (Bless your heart, Ashley.) You were so excited. "Thank you, Ashley!" you happily exclaimed.

Is there anything as satisfying as an ice cream cone on a hot day?



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