"Feel My Tummy"

"I'm getting full. Feel my tummy."

These days, this is your way of letting me know you're pretty much finished with your meal. I then place my hand on your belly and diagnose whether you've had enough to eat or not. Highly scientific stuff.

To your credit, you're usually open to my observations.

"Hmmm... it feels to me like you have room for a little more pasta and two bites of peaches."

At this, you'll take some more bites, and then say, "Feel my tummy again, Daddy."

Sure enough, after rediagnosing the state of your stomach, I generally find that you've indeed reached your limit at that point.

It is not surprising, however, that no matter how full you may be, there is always additional room for ice cream. My tummy works the exact same way!



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