Phone Chat Tonight

Tonight I asked you what you wanted for lunch tomorrow: "Spaghetti or Turkey?"

You thought for a moment, then emphatically, "I want pasghetti."

"Blueberry yogurt or raspberry yogurt?"

"Raspberry yogurt."

"How about M&Ms?"

"I want M&Ms! But first I have to go potty."

I was so proud of you for remembering this! "Adessa, you're right! That's your reward for going potty!"

"And then we have to wash our hands."

Again, a jolt of pride! "Yes, honey, you are right! You are so smart! And what do we do after we wash our hands?"

"Then we get the paper towels."

About that time, it hit me... I'm chatting on the phone with my daughter. I mean, we've spoken on the phone before, of course. But that wasn't so much a conversation with questions and responses. Tonight, though, I realized that at the tender age of three years, one month, we can have an actual conversation. Sure, it might just be over lunch, potty, and washing our hands. But I'm telling you... I could not be more proud of you right now.



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