Great River Days Parade
And as always, when Muscatine does a parade, it gets done right. Marching bands, football teams, cheerleaders, politicians stumping for office, classic cars, WWII veterans, a team of guys who had to be pushing 70 years old doing stunts on ATVs (seriously), floats, beauty pageant winners, and -- oh, yes -- tons of candy flung in our direction by passing parade-goers. By the end of the parade, you had a small shopping bag full of candy.
Your favorite part of the parade, however, was the trailer full of dogs from the Canine Activity Center of Muscatine.
You were so excited! Calling out, "Hi, dogs!" you were determined to let them know you appreciated them entertaining you by rolling by in the hot sun.
A nice man even brought his black lab named Jet over so you could pet him.
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