Every Wednesday, I get to go out on a special Daddy-Daughter "date" with you. It is the highlight of my week. I adore these special times with you. We usually will grab a bite somewhere, sometimes we'll go shopping, or swimming, or play at the park, or do a picnic, or go to a museum, or a show. This week, with it so doggone hot outside I thought it best to keep us inside under the protection of air conditioning, so we did the proverbial dinner and a movie together.
You've brought up
Despicable Me numerous times over the past few weeks, so the choice of movie was easy. I thought we'd give the 3D version a try (more on that below). Wasn't sure where to do lunch, so I let you pick.
"Can we go to Steak N' Shake?" you asked.
Hey, why not? Steak N' Shake it is.

You perused their menu of shakes, including these two Kool-Aid flavored shakes. Um, is that supposed to sound good? We decided on sharing an Oreo shake.

You wanted to do a self-portrait with the camera. Here's the result.
When we finished and paid for our meal up at the front register, I gave you the tip so you could track down our server and give it to her. You were so excited that you didn't notice you'd dropped one of the dollar bills. A nice man saw it and handed it to me and you were overjoyed to go find her and give her "another" tip.
She called out to you, "Why, thank you! Just keep 'em coming!"
You were proud enough to pop!

We hustled over from Steak N' Shake because our movie had an early matinee start time of 11:40. I asked the lady at the ticket counter if it was OK if we gave the 3D movie a little "test drive" because I wasn't sure if you'd like it. She said sure -- they had the regular version playing at 12:15 and we could jump in there if 3D just wasn't your thing.
Turns out you were pretty pumped to try on your 3D glasses. Here you are wearing mine (they made you and me both look like Elvis Costello).

And here you are, wearing your own 3D glasses that made you look like Lisa Loeb. All my worries about you not liking the 3D were unfounded. You were enthralled.

What is it about movie popcorn that, even though you've just had lunch, makes you crave it right away? I don't know, but it sure worked on both of us today.
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