Adessa's First Photographs
Adessa, today I showed you how to operate my camera. Pretty simple and intuitive, actually... just point at what you want to photograph, line it up in the screen on the monitor, and push the button. You had it in no time.
Now, you had taken photos before -- remember when you took photos of yourself with me about a month ago, as well as a photo of the man fixing the street light? -- but these are the first, totally-all-by-myself photos you've ever taken. And without further ado, here's the very first photo ever taken by Miss Adessa Landers Brinkman:
OK, so you had to work out the kinks a little bit, chopping Daddy's head off in your first photo. No problem.
I suggested you take a picture of Miss Debbie and you agreed that was a great idea. And look at what a beautiful picture you took -- perfect!
"I want to take a picture of myself," you said, and I showed you how to do the now-ubiquitous digital self-portrait. Here's your first try:
Well, you had your thumb over the lens on your first shot... but we quickly corrected that and here's what you got:
Beautiful! That's a great shot. If you had a Facebook page, it would make a great profile pic.
One more great shot you got of yourself, capturing your wonderful smile.
Now, you had taken photos before -- remember when you took photos of yourself with me about a month ago, as well as a photo of the man fixing the street light? -- but these are the first, totally-all-by-myself photos you've ever taken. And without further ado, here's the very first photo ever taken by Miss Adessa Landers Brinkman:
"I want to take a picture of myself," you said, and I showed you how to do the now-ubiquitous digital self-portrait. Here's your first try:
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