Sunday Morning Snaps
Sunday mornings are special and you know it. You always ask me:
"Are we going to church?"
"Yes, honey."
"Are we going to see Chole and Cooper?" (The two puppies that live next door.)
"Of course!"
"Will Ashlann and Jaden be there?"
"Sure! And I know they can't wait to see you, too."
This morning, you added someone new to your list of inquiries:
"Where does Autumn live?"
Autumn is a little seven-year-old girl from church whom we saw Wednesday at the Riverfront Park in downtown Muscatine. Ever since then, you've been excited to be able to play with her again.
"Muscatine," I replied in answer to your question. "In fact, we'll drive right by her house on the way to church."
Anyway, these pictures above are from this morning and I took them and posted them here because I always want to remember these mornings with you. I'm so glad I get to share them with you and I treasure them. Seeing you in your cute little Sunday outfit with the morning sun behind you as you clutch my Bible (which you always insist on carrying) while we walk across the parking lot to the church just captures the essence of so much of what I love about these times.
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