Family Fun Day

You wanted to hug her, hi-five her, and basically follow her around everywhere. At one point, his "handler" took her away for a break and you were quite sad to see her go.
"Where did the cow go?" you asked me, mournfully.
"I think he went out to the pasture to graze," I answered.
"The pastor? Where's the pastor, Dad?" You repeated this question quite a few times and so we went to look out the back door of the church onto their grassy lawn.
"Well, this is the pasture right here, Adessa, and I don't see the cow. He must have gone to a far away pasture."
Just then, who should pass us in the hall but the cow herself! You were able to get in a few more hugs before the Ductape Comedy show started upstairs -- and I was quite thankful for this!
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