Well... I Just

Adessa, I have noticed something that I'll call a little "verbal giveaway" in your speech.

It's when you start a sentence with "Well... I just".

When I hear that "Well... I just" I know you're going to try to talk me out of or into something.

Here's how it works:

Daddy: "All right, Adessa. We need to leave. Come down the slide and we'll get in the Jeep."
Adessa: "Well... I just need to go on the swing for a while."


Daddy: "Adessa, you can pick one of those toys to have."
Adessa: "Well... I just want to have both of them."

I just can't be mad at you for this. You are not a difficult, or disobedient, or particularly stubborn child. You're just doing what every child does -- you want your way -- and this is your way of "giving it a shot" hoping that I'll change my mind.

What cracks me up is that you understand very early that saying "No!" is a much less likely route to getting your way than a subtle, diplomatic negotiation. And I must admit: you are very adept at it. You have my heart in the palm of your hand and I confess there are times that your persuasion gets you more play time or an extra treat. Let's just call that "Daddy's Discretion."



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