Riverside Park

Today the weather was indecisive -- sunny one moment, cloudy and few raindrops the next. But the one consistent factor was the humidity; it was just plain sticky outside. So as we headed from Downtown Muscatine through Riverside Park, we were both delighted to ride through the giant spraying fountains to cool off.

"Daddy, again! Again!"

You covered your little face with Blankie-Bear... but you didn't want me to stop!

Taking a break on the bike path between Riverside Park and Weed Park. Notice how Bella's hair is still a bit wet from our rides through the fountain.

One funny anecdote:

As we headed east out of downtown, we went beneath the Highway 92 bridge between Iowa and Illinois. Approaching this bridge, you cried out:

"Daddy, are we going to Rascal's house?"

For a moment, I couldn't figure out why you'd ask that. Then it dawned on me... that bridge looks a lot like the one in downtown Davenport right by Modern Woodmen Stadium, aka "Rascal's House."

I laughed out loud at that! How sharp was that for you to remember that -- and to immediately associate that with your pal Rascal?

"Daddy, can we see the geese?"

That was an excellent idea. We continued on to Weed Park to seek out our feathered friends there.

"We'll look for the goslings," you said.

You remembered the correct word for baby geese!

"Look! I've spotted the flock!"

Sure enough, there they were -- the goslings, who just a month ago were so tiny, were now growing up! Still with their downy "chick" feathers but almost as large as the ducks while yet being fiercly guarded by their parents.

You ran near them, clapping, and yelling out "Honk, honk, honk!"

They weren't quite sure what to make of you, but I'll tell you: it sure was entertaining for me.



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