Picnic at the Park

It seems our run of awesome weather just won't end, Adessa. Yesterday was another beautiful and unseasonably warm April day. Perfect weather to enjoy lunch outdoors at the park. So off to Weed Park we went.

These days, when I ask you what you want for lunch, I can pretty much count on your answer: "Quesadilla, beans, and rice." You seem to be mostly out of your "Pasghetti" phase -- you still love spaghetti, but it is seldom what you request when given a choice.

A moment I loved today: a little boy about your age came up and wanted to pet Bella. "She's looking for nuts on the ground," you informed him. "Dogs like to eat nuts."

You are now firmly into the "Daddy, look!" phase of your life, which is wonderful. You like to show me how you can go up ladders, across bridges, and down slides all by yourself.

But even at this brave age you still encounter some obstacles that are just a little too intimidating to overcome by yourself. This "tube slide" here was just such an obstacle.

"Do you want me to catch you at the bottom?" I asked.

"No," you replied, "I want you to come up here."

"Do you want me to watch you or do you want me to come down with you?"

"I want you to go down with me."

So I loaded you onto my lap, stuffed myself into the tube (it wasn't exactly made with Daddy-sized people in mind) and...

...wheee! Down we went. I'm happy to say we both survived, intact.

Cute swinging photo #1.

Cute swinging photo #2.

And cute swinging photo #3.

More photos from the park and our encounters with flying foul coming tomorrow...



  1. I love seeing what you and Daddy have been doing, Adessa. Looks like the two of you have been finding all sorts of fun activities. And you are growing right before my eyes!

    Love, Grammy


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