Memories of Minnesota

Adessa, this weekend I'm on a trip up to my hometown of Minnetonka, Minnesota to visit many old friends whom I haven't seen in years. Many of the places and people I'm seeing remind me of you and our trip here with you in 2007. So I thought I'd pull out the old pictures and revisit those memories of you in Minnesota two-and-a-half years ago, when you were just eight months old.

Sitting on the shore of Lake Minnetonka in downtown Excelsior in 2007.

My grade school in Shorewood. I went here for Kindergarten, first grade, and fourth through sixth grades.

The two of us plunging down the "twisty slide" at Minnewashta School. These days just the sight of a "twisty slide" is cause for major celebration for you.

The two of us together in front of my childhood home at 5845 Howards Point Road in Excelsior. I took a long bike ride from Minnetonka to Victoria today and the weather was just wonderful -- springtime here is glorious. Stopped by my old home and all of the trees, bushes, and flowers are in bloom; it was beautiful. As I stood in front of the house on the side of the road, the current owners actually pulled into their driveway. They were friendly and smiled and waved at me, but I have no doubt they were wondering, "Who is that strange man looking at our house?" I thought about telling them I used to live there, but decided that might be a little awkward and continued my journey toward Victoria.

Downtown Victoria; the day we were here in September 2007 they happened to be having a parade so you got to participate in your first-ever parade on this date. It was an honor to join you for this!

Waving bye-bye to Mommy as we made our circuit around the town for the parade (total length: less than one mile).

Of course, Bella was there to cheer you on as well.

For your participation, you received one red balloon as a fabulous parting gift at the finish line.

Needless to say, you were fascinated with your prize.

On Saturday, I went to see our old friends Bob and Fran Richter, and joined them to visit Fran's mother, Louise, at her home in St. Paul. Here you are pictured in Louise's backyard in 2007 in front of her oak leaf mountain ash tree. Little there has changed since then; the biggest difference I could see is her tree was not yet in bloom. Louise is doing well -- she is 92 years old now but her mind is perfectly clear.

It has been a difficult past six months for Bob and Fran; Bob was diagnosed with cancer in November and has been fighting it ever since. I'm encouraged in that he looks well and felt very good this weekend during my visit. I pray for him a lot and you even join me in those prayers from time to time. Bob and Fran adore you and asked all about you -- I of course busted out all your pictures and they were delighted to see how beautifully you're growing up.

Darling, I had a wonderful time on this visit this weekend and the only thing that could have made it more special is having you here with me. I hope you'll have a chance to join me up here for another visit soon. There are many people here who can't wait to see you and I have a feeling you'd love seeing them, too.



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