HOT! It has been hot, hot, hot lately. The kind of hot that makes you glad for anything to help cool off. Which makes it all the better that yesterday two different people asked me if I'd heard about the new water park in Rock Island. I hadn't. So some friends took me out there to see it last night -- wow! The place is brand-new and gorgeous, wide open and free to the public right there in downtown Rock Island. I thought right away: "Adessa will
love this place."

So we stopped by here today and you were all-too-glad to plunge right into the fountains.

Plenty of other little ones were enjoying the waterworks, too. You met quite a few new friends.

One of them was a five-year-old little boy named Coby. He was a friendly fellow. He was also mighty interested in the fruit bowl I'd brought for you.

Kindhearted and generous soul you are, you didn't even wait for him to ask for some of your fruit; you
offered it to him. I was very proud of you.

You shared it all with him: pineapple, grapes... you didn't even hold back on your favorite: strawberries. Coby was very thankful. You are such a sweetheart.

The new park isn't just a water park; there's a new playland, a river walkway, and a brand new bandshell. I pointed the latter out, saying "Look at the new bandshell." Your reply: "Can we go to the
manshow?" Bandshell, manshow... same thing. You plopped yourself down on the lawn in front of the bandshell and called out: "Daddy, put on a show!"

One last photo to go from the day: two of us, goofy faces in the parking lot. The End.
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