By the time we got back from our bike ride from East Moline to Hampton, the park from which we launched our journey was now teeming with activity. It soon became apparent that the park was to be the epicenter for East Moline's own version of an Independence Day celebration, complete with food, a band, booths, and -- of course -- fireworks.
It was now getting on toward evening and the hot, hot day was giving way to a nice evening with cool breezes coming in off the Mississippi. What a welcome relief.
There was a face-painting booth and you really wanted something painted. You chose a dolphin to be painted on your arm so you could admire it yourself.

"Mr. Chuck" kindly obliged and painted the neatest dolphin complete with sparkly crystals. You proudly showed this off to everyone within a few dozen yards of us!

The park's sculpture "Moline Rapids" made for a fun play structure for you and a half-dozen other little ones.

You were feeling quite outgoing and said "hello" to everyone around. At one point, you ran up to me and said, "Daddy! That man over there is Mr. Gary!" You had introduced yourself and then politely asked his name. He and his wife were quite amused. You then came over and asked to borrow my camera because you wanted to take his picture.
You had us all rolling when you announced to Mr. Gary and his wife, "This is my Daddy's camera. He broke the screen. See?" while holding up the camera so they could see the cracked viewfinder screen.
"Yes," I laughed. "She's my little informer."
Anyway, this photo is the one you took. Not bad at all!

Here you are perched on that sculpture, enjoying the cool breeze and the sounds of the band while anxiously awaiting the real festivities -- the fireworks -- to start. I think you asked me 237 times "When are the fireworks coming?" It is very hard to wait until dusk for a three-year-old with fireworks on the brain!
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