Today, Adessa, we got to enjoy our first visit of the season to Muscatine's Aquatic Center. After weeks of anticipation -- driving past the closed Aquatic Center as we made our way through Weed Park each week was torture! -- our dreams of aquatic fun were manifest at last!

As we rolled up shortly after they opened at noon, it was a perfect day for swimming: hot, humid, definitely the kind of weather that makes you want to take a dip.

Pausing a moment to take a Daddy-Daughter photo before we plunged in. Behold the look of wonderment on your face!

We busted out a brand-new pair of arm floaties for the occasion.

The water was
icy cold and took some acclimation -- but as hot as it was when we first got there today, it felt pretty good. Later on, it would prove to become a bit of a problem...

After about an hour and a half, the weather started to, as they say in Iowa, "change its mind." We went from a hot summer-like day to a suddenly cool, breezy one as clouds started to gather for an impending storm. We made our way to the lawn to get out of the polar bath and we kicked around our new beach ball for a while.

Kicking back with your favorite cocktail, apple juice n' water.

At this point you grabbed my camera and said, "I want to take some pictures!" You snapped quite a few. Here's a nice one of me you nabbed...

...and a nice self-portrait!

You were determined to put my flip-flops on your feet and walk around in them, though they were proportioned like snowshoes on your tiny feet. I think that was the point, though. You really got a kick out of it.
Adessa, I have a feeling that today was just the first of what will prove to be many visits to the Aquatic Center this summer. We might want to consider that season pass after all.
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