The Last Picture...?
"I want to take some pictures."
I let you. I like it when you want to learn about things and how to use them. And you are so bright that you quickly figure out how to do things like play a musical instrument or take photos of yourself with my camera.
I'm not sure when it happened... but at some point... something happened to my camera. Still mystified as to when it happened as I watched you while you took photos, but when I got my camera back, the lens was jammed at an angle and is now stuck. Not good. Tried to push it back into place but even with a lot of pressure doesn't want to budge.
Oh well. I'd already broken the little screen on it a couple months ago, so it was only a matter of time.
I was still able to download the photos that were in the camera onto my computer with its memory card... and the above photo was the last one in its memory, apparently taken moments before... something happened to our camera. A cute self-portrait you took. Apropos for is likely its final picture.
Godspeed, little Nikon camera. You served us well.
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