J is for January and July

Adessa's first birthday, January 4, 2008
J is for January and July -- the months of Adessa's birthday and half-birthday.

When you're little, you keep track of your age not just by years, but by half-years.  (Somewhere around the age of 10, I guess we forget all about that.)  So that makes two milestones to celebrate each year.  January 4, Adessa's birthday, is exactly one week before mine -- which makes her a birthday present that arrived one week early for me.

Adessa's half-birthday, July 4, 2010.
Her half-birthday is easy to remember, as July 4 is, of course, Independence Day.  I always think of this milestone every July 4 and it's certainly worthy of celebrating with balloons, "half-birthday" cake, and presents.


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