Happy Two-And-A-Half-Year Birthday Darling!

Adessa, exactly two years and six months ago your Mommy and I welcomed you into this world... January 4, 2007, the greatest and proudest day in my life.

For the 913 days you have been in my life since then, you have been a blessing beyond what I could ever have imagined, and every day my love for you grows deeper and stronger.

Recently, God put it on my heart to begin praying for your future. It's funny how I'd never thought of that before... I'd always prayed for your safety and health, but had never thought to be praying for what is to come way down the road in your life. So I'm praying for your teachers... friends you have yet to meet... coaches and instructors who will one day be in your life... and yes, I'm even right now praying for the man who will one day be your husband. As difficult as it is for me to fathom now, when it seems only yesterday I held you as a tiny infant at Loma Linda University Hospital when you were hours old, or today, when I can still easily hold you with one arm and twirl you around, there will come a day when I will walk you down the aisle to be joined with a young man as wife and husband... and I am praying that you and he will find a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment together.

Until then, I will keep praying for your health and safety while thanking God that he has blessed me to be your Daddy. I love you with all my heart, Adessa.



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