Today we took off for our first road trip together in over a year, Adessa! We left at 11 o'clock for the Twin Cities -- about a five-and-a-half hour drive if we just burned straight through. But we took our time because, after all, the point of a road trip is the fun in getting there. Here you are giving Bella a reassuring hug as we departed Muscatine.

We made our first stop just south of Wilton as we passed a sign that read:
We decided we'd try to find a few "treasures" among the... other stuff.

Right away, this little boy came up and announced, "My name is Joshua." This was his house and he was eager to be helpful.

Let's see, a gladiator helmet and toy scythe... does this classify as a "treasure" or "other stuff?"
We ended up with a toy duck, a racecar, a stuffed Blue dog from Blue's Clues, a tiny stuffed Yorkie pup, and a rubber ball... all for the bargain price of one dollar. Total. Now
that is value.
From there we continued on to Iowa City, up north through Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, and Cedar Falls, and across the state line into Minnesota to the little town of Austin, making several stops along the way. In Austin, we made an extra-special stop which will be the topic of tomorrow's post...
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