While at Weed Park the other day, we met a nice family who had just come over from the big ponds on the other side of the park. "That's where we're headed," I told them. "We're going to feed the geese."
"Watch out," warned the mother of the family. "They are
really aggressive."
You and I looked at each other, thinking, "Geese? How aggressive can a bunch of birds be?"
We had no idea.

Suffice it to say, these wild birds have lost most of their fear of humans in an insatiable quest for bread. Once the figured out we had fresh bread for them, they surrounded us like The Beatles in
A Hard Day's Night.

Add in the fact that several goose families had brand-new goslings in tow, and it's an understatement to say these were no mild-mannered country fowl.

"Daddy, are you
sure we're safe among these crazy birds?"
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