Wow, we had fun today! Lots of pictures so we'll spread this one out over a few days/posts. We're both pretty worn out after a long ride that took us through downtown Davenport, east Davenport, and into Bettendorf and back, so we'll both sleep
very well tonight.
It had been just a little over a year since you and I went on a bike ride together. Our last ride was in Lake Stevens, WA on Friday, April 17. One thing I really remember about that ride: on the way back you were talking to me and then all of a sudden you got very quiet. I turned around to check on you only to see you were slumped forward, fast asleep! I guess the pleasant warmth of the day and the rhythm of the wheels on the road were too much for you to overcome.

We drove to downtown Davenport to Riverfront Park to set up the bike and trailer. You were determined to stick the flag on the back all by yourself. And you did.
We took off eastward toward downtown and Modern Woodmen Ballpark (a.k.a. "Rascal's House" to you). We got about a half-mile down the bike trail when suddenly, we saw in front of us dozens -- no, hundreds! -- of people walking toward us on the trail. They were doing a fundraiser walk for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and soon we found ourselves
surrounded by people.
The pathway led us straight to "Rascal's House" which we were surprised to find wide open... as the epicenter for the JDRF fundraiser. It was open to the public, so we went right in!

They were giving away lots of food -- chicken brats, crackers, bottled water, milk, cookies... you were happy to guzzle a chocolate milk.

The sugar-free cookies were yummy. You shared one with a grateful Bella.

Hey look, a clown! She was really sweet to you and you gave her a hug after hugging her dog puppet.

A trio of jugglers!

There was a table for an organization that trains dogs to assist people. One of them was happy to give you some lick-love after you asked "Can I pet your dog?"

Even "Niabi Bobbi," the giant Bobcat mascot from Niabi Zoo was there! Here you are nearly engulfed in one of his furry hugs.

They even let us walk out onto the field!

You wanted to get a close look at the tractor, which was sitting idle as the groundscrew had taken a break from grooming the field.

Drawing in the dirt at the very infield where we watched a ballgame exactly two weeks ago.
Much more in the next few days...
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