Swimming Pool
"Does Bella bark at squirrels?"
So you loved the pool... we were in their until all of our fingers were good and pruny. No photos (the Y is kinda funny about taking cameras into the pool area... I don't blame them) but suffice it to say I think we found a new favorite activity that I believe we'll do at least weekly. Your favorite activity: "jumping" around the pool -- basically me holding you while you stand on my legs and we bounce around the pool.
"Are you sure? You won't be afraid?"
"No, Daddy."
True to your word, you weren't afraid at all. You just wanted to bust out and say...
Looks like you two had a great time at the pool and at Younkers! Wish Grandpa and I could have been there with you. We hope to come see you before too long. We miss you both. Love, Grammy