Playland Misadventures
I'm not much of a fast-food Daddy, Adessa. It had been almost a year since I'd taken you to a McDonald's... but I reckon every once in a while, a visit to Ronald McDonald's House of Fine Cuisine is OK. It was a cold day, no good for playing outside, so we visited the Muscatine McDonald's, also known as The Busiest McDonald's in the World. They have an indoor Playland.
Despite the appearance of this picture, there must have been 25 kids running around this Playland. (Or, as my boss at my first job at McDonald's called it, "Bratland.") You had a good time, but kept asking me to "go up in the tube" with you. I had to explain that it's against the rules for Daddies to "go up in the tube" and you understood.
I encouraged you to climb up one of the towers. Here you are up inside it after having successfully scaled it to the top. It's about twelve feet high and you were proud and wanted me to come see. However, you also realized how high up you now were... and wanted help getting down.
"Daddy, come help me get down!"
I was concerned where this was headed, so I contorted my body and climbed up in there and helped you down. I fully expected a lecture from an employee but there was none forthcoming; they had their hands full with their register lines all five-deep, I guess.
Safe and sound, I suggested you stick more to the ground-level attractions... giving Mr. McDonald himself a hug!
I was concerned where this was headed, so I contorted my body and climbed up in there and helped you down. I fully expected a lecture from an employee but there was none forthcoming; they had their hands full with their register lines all five-deep, I guess.
Safe and sound, I suggested you stick more to the ground-level attractions...
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