Yay! Together in Muscatine again! Definitely a lot colder here than in California right now. Still and all, not too bad... it wasn't exactly
cold today... I'd call it blustery.

The cold weather limited our options a bit... didn't want to spend a whole lot of time outside in parks or playgrounds. So off we went to the Muscatine Mall. Where right away you exclaimed, "Daddy, the choo-choo train! Can I ride the choo-choo train?"
Now, there isn't much to the Muscatine Mall... far more closed storefronts than open ones. On the other hand, it really makes the mall perfect for us. There aren't too many shoppers -- we practically have the place to ourselves.

In one of the few open stores, you were enamored with the "pretty dresses." Chattering away, you exclaimed, "There's a pretty dress! You can wear that one, Daddy! There's another pretty dress! You can wear that one, too." It seems you don't quite have the gender-appropriate distinctions down when it comes to apparel. ;-)

"A wallet! But where's the money?" I gave you my credit card and you slipped it inside the wallet... and promptly folded it up and put it back on the shelf.

After some rides and shopping, we were both getting hungry. So we headed downtown to the Button Factory for lunch. As we headed back to a table, you cried out, "Fish! Fish!" The nice man was proud to seat us right by the tank and then he pointed out what kind of fish each was... largemouth bass, bullhead, crappie, bluegill.

I showed you the "disappearing salt shaker" magic trick (the napkins at The Button Factory are perfect for this).

You were mightily impressed and wanted to see it again and again... and with the pepper shaker and the candle jar.

You ordered Mac n' Cheese and had a very healthy appetite.

You also wanted ketchup -- a
lot of it -- and dipped each bite in it. I had to refill you a few times. I suppose that only makes sense -- Muscatine has a Heinz factory. Perhaps you're doing more than your fair share to keep them gainfully employed.

Now, I had promised you a "special surprise" during lunch. "A special surprise, you say?"

"Close your eyes and I'll bring it out for you, sweetie..."

Your surprise? An early Easter present from Grammy and Grandpa: a soft, floppy-eared stuffed bunny that laughs, talks, and sings "A Bushel and A Peck." You loved her!

You pushed her paw to make her talk and sing over and over again... and then we played a game of "Hop, Hop, Hop... Snuggle!"

I got a nice video of this, too, and will post it tomorrow.

Looking out the window, you could see a crane at work. "Can we go see it?" You asked. I told you you could if you ate some carrots and beans. You eagerly complied and then waved my credit card in the air. "Il conto, per favore!" "Check please!"

Back outside to march across the street to the banks of the Mighty Mississippi River and see just what that crane crew was up to out there.

A very determined marcher.

"Fa freddo!" "It's cold!"

Watching the crew at work.

Adessa: "What are they digging for in the river bed? Buried treasure?"

Did the chilly weather deter us from stopping by the playground for some sliding, swinging, and riding? Does it feel good to pet a porcupine?

Showing off... just a little bit.

Ice cream for dessert... a sweet capper for a perfect day together.
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