Our Day in Malibu, Part 3
During our day at the beach in Malibu, we saw quite a few different animals, including:
A pelican...
A very sweet doggy...
Of course, you wanted to give the nice doggy a kiss...
A crab... to which you exclaimed "Disgusting!" as you threw it back out into the sand...
Seagulls (represented in this photo by a couple of feathers you wanted to carry around)... you called the seagulls "eagles"...
A six-foot, 80-pound shark that a fisherman caught from the pier... hard to see it here, but that's a rope tied around the shark's dorsal fin and he's hanging there in the water...
A starfish that the seagulls were fighting over...
All in all, a lot of different animals to see, hear, touch, and hold. You are definitely an animal lover and pretty brave about touching them... and you are very bright about identifying them all by name. As always, you really impress me with your smarts, Adessa.
All in all, a lot of different animals to see, hear, touch, and hold. You are definitely an animal lover and pretty brave about touching them... and you are very bright about identifying them all by name. As always, you really impress me with your smarts, Adessa.
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