First Time Fishing
Among the fun things we got to do together on our special trip to Malibu was your first-ever time fishing, Adessa... and you got to fish in the ocean from the Malibu Pier -- not bad for a debut.
A really nice lady named Kathy offered to let you use her rod and reel... and so, with a little help from Daddy, you were able to cast and reel.
It's tricky balancing a two-year-old while making sure a fishing pole doesn't land in the drink...
Deep in concentration... you take this stuff very seriously...
Oh my goodness! Was that a bite?
Must've been a false alarm, Adessa... I don't see anything on the end of your line.
Great job, girl! You're really getting the hang of this.
Here's a video clip of another nice person (didn't get his name) who let you use his pole to try some fishing. "Oooh, a little tiny fish! Let's get another fish."
That was a lot of fun, Adessa. I don't know if you'll ever be bitten by the "fishing bug." Your Daddy grew up in Minnesota, where fishing is practically a religion, and Opening Day fishing season is almost a holy day... but I confess, I never really caught the bug, myself. We'll see if maybe you get into it more than I ever did.
Here's a video clip of another nice person (didn't get his name) who let you use his pole to try some fishing. "Oooh, a little tiny fish! Let's get another fish."
That was a lot of fun, Adessa. I don't know if you'll ever be bitten by the "fishing bug." Your Daddy grew up in Minnesota, where fishing is practically a religion, and Opening Day fishing season is almost a holy day... but I confess, I never really caught the bug, myself. We'll see if maybe you get into it more than I ever did.
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