An Awful Hotsy Cup
A few more things we did yesterday:
I let you explore the lunch bag to see what I'd brought for lunch... you picked up the very warm cup of mac and cheese I'd brought and declared, "That's an awful hotsy cup!"
You tore your turkey into pieces and said "I'm making a smiley face, Daddy." And indeed, that's very much what that looks like, Adessa... a very Dali-esque smiley face. Nicely done.
I showed you how to work the camera and we did your first self-portraits... here's how the first one turned out... oops, you got your fingers in the way a little bit...
Take two: Aha! Perfect!
From there, we headed outside, and saw that there was a man with a big boom ladder truck working to fix the burned-out street lights in the parking lot. "Hello, Mr. Man!" you called out to him.
It was an impressive sight.
You took this photo of the man in action. Not bad.
Finally, we found some seed pods that a tree had dropped and I opened them up to give you the seeds (or as you called them, "peanuts"). Once I gave you a few, you wanted more... "one more, Daddy?" "One more?" "One more?" That turned into several dozen "peanuts"...
A handful of "peanuts."
We were disappointed, thinking we were all out of seed pods to open... but Miss Debbie brought another one to us.
"Miss Debbie, look at all my peanuts!"
That was a lot of fun, sweetheart. Thanks for making my day, as always.
That was a lot of fun, sweetheart. Thanks for making my day, as always.
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