I wasn't sure if we'd want to get in the water, Adessa... the California Pacific Coast is notorious for having cold water. I asked if you wanted to wade a little bit into the surf, and you were adamant that you did not. However...
You did say "Daddy, carry me... I want to go to the water." So I did. I'm not showing it here, but that water felt very cold... it was actually 68 degrees, which is actually warm for California, but that initial shock always gets you.
You absolutely shrieked with delight every time a wave would roll up onto us... I agree, it was a ton of fun.
Yeah, Daddy is looking a little silly wearing full pants here. I guess I thought I'd be wading in just a few inches... the waves were too hard to resist, though.
There's the Malibu Sport Fishing Pier in the background.
"Again, Daddy? Again?"
Heading back to the sand for a break (and so Daddy could change into a pair of shorts)... your refrain for the rest of the day was "Can we go to the beach again?" And we did a couple more times.
What a great video... I just adore those big belly laughs!
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