Making New Friends
Adessa, today at Citrus Plaza, I was so proud of you as you were so brave in meeting a couple little girls about your age... and you made a couple of new friends in the process. As we walked over to the fountain area, I spotted a little blond-haired girl who appeared to be about your age. I asked you: "Adessa, would you like to go say hello to that little girl?" And you replied...
..."Daddy, are you nuts? You want me to go talk to a total stranger!?"
Nah, just kidding, of course... what you really did was think for just a moment, and then you cautiously approached this little girl... and offered her your orange. From that moment, you two were fast friends (gifts of citrus have a way of doing that). Turns out her name is Alice and she's two years old, going on three, just like you.
And here's Alice's sister, Aria. You offered your orange to her as well, which she graciously admired. Like her sister, she was immediately taken with you.
The three of you played together for a good thirty minutes, and it wasn't long before you were wanting to hold their hands in friendship.
Here you are, proud as punch, holding hands with your new friend, Aria.
You all organized an impromptu game of "Ring Around the Rosey." Aria, being the eldest at five years old, naturally became the ringleader.
Soon it just became a game of "Let's Spin Really Fast"... after which, you'd sit right down for a breather and exclaim, "Boy, am I dizzy!"
Adessa, I mean it when I say I was so proud to see how courageously you went right up to meet your new friends Alice and Aria. I was also amused as you asked me over and over again, "Daddy, can I go say hello?" as I think you believe that means "Can I keep playing with them?" I don't know if we'll ever run into Alice and Aria again, but their mommy says they're at Citrus Plaza a lot and she promised they'd be looking for us every time they're there. So I'm hoping you'll have a chance to play with your new friends again soon.
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