Today you really impressed me, Adessa: not only did you love to put the letters into their slots on this board, but you very quickly recognized letter-shapes and were able to put them in their corrects spots.
Some people may not think that's a big deal... but at two years and ten months, that is very advanced.
Some letters are tricky -- like the letter "V" here.
You recognized the angle shape right away... and tried to put it upside down in the slot for "A." Makes sense -- they both have that same angle.
Before long, you'd found the right place for it.
"C" was no problem for you at all.
"B" was a piece of cake, too
"D" was a little tougher. You found where it belonged right away... but putting it in the slot the right way was a challenge.
How about horizontally? Will it fit?
There we go.
And we saved the first for last... the letter "A" completes the deal.
You did it all by yourself! Fantastic job. I am so impressed, honey.
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