White Squall

Crazy Iowa weather. You walk into the mall and it's dry as a bone outside. A few minutes later, along comes a torrential downpour driven by gale force winds.

Suddenly, having parked the Jeep way out in the parking lot doesn't seem so groovy.

"We'll wait inside until the rain lets up," I said.

"I want to go in the storm," you replied.

"You sure?" It looked like the rain could be coming down for a while. (And it did come down for a long time.)


So, rather than wait it out, I picked you up and we made a dash for the Jeep... both of us yelling like banshees all the way. White squall!

Breathless, we made it there and piled in as quickly as possible... both laughing our heads off. There's just something silly and fun about trying to dodge raindrops in a heavy shower, I guess.



  1. Adessa and Tim...
    I just LOVE this picture of you two. How genuine those smiles are. Priceless!!! So glad you two are getting to spend so much more time together. Nothing better than making memories together. And even more, father daughter bonding.
    XOXO love your cousin Susan


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