There's a special section of Weed Park called Zoo Garden and every time we drive through the park we slow down to spot the animals. This weekend, Adessa, we decided to get out, get a closer look, and even "pet" some of them.

A monkey of some sort right by the "ZOO GARDEN" sign.

Yikes! Up close and personal with a buffalo!

An elephant... of course. What Zoo Garden would be complete without one?

Not one, not two, but three butterflies in three sizes: Mommy, Daddy, and Baby.

Stopping to smell the flowers in the Zoo Garden.

There was even a very large snake crawling around on the ground. Were you afraid to pet it? I'd say this picture indicates "no."

Posing for a picture together after our stroll through the garden. Notice any Father-Daughter similarities in our smiles?
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