I was in for a really, really nice surprise today, Adessa: Nonna called and asked if I wanted to spend some time with you at Victoria Gardens this afternoon. Hard decision, that... I was in the car and driving there faster than you could say "Frosty the Snowman." Victoria Gardens this time of year is a great place to hang out with you because -- as you can see in the picture above -- Christmas is in full swing here.

We started at the playground where you very bravely ascended the steps to the big slide and took the plunge all by yourself.

While we were playing, you spotted something in the bushes and went right in after it... I was a bit worried, having no idea what you were after, but you pulled out a little Robo-Kitty toy. It was a little dirty and obviously had been there for some time, so I figured letting you keep it was okay.

You washed off Robo-Kitty in the table fountain and she was good as new.

For lunch, you chose pizza... the cornerstone of any nutritious meal.

And for dessert, I brought something special for you. A couple days ago you asked me, "Daddy, can I have a marshmallow on a stick?" I'm not sure where you got the idea for it, but it seems obvious you'd become fascinated with the old camping standby of roasting marshmallows over an open fire. So when I brought out the marshmallows and an actual, honest-to-goodness stick on which to carry it, your eyes lit up with delight.

Only one problem though... it was such a nice, warm day, Victoria Gardens didn't have their fireplace going. "Daddy," you lamented, "the fire isn't coming on. I want to roast my marshmallow."

Not seeing any better options, I suggested we try warming it up in the sun. Well, it helped a little bit.

A little later, Nonna had a great idea: there's a train that runs all around the center of Victoria Gardens... and when I asked you if you wanted to ride the train, you responded with an emphatic "Choo-choo train! We're going to ride the choo-choo train!" You were still quite taken with your marshmallow-on-a-stick so you wanted to bring that on board so you could continue to contemplate munching on it. (You were reluctant to eat it until it was roasted and held out hope we might find a fire someplace after all.)

We chose the caboose and you gave the ticket for our tour around the center square. It was a pretty bumpy ride; the sidewalks are cobblestone. By the way, this is the same train you rode with Cousin Quincy back in February:

Here you are in February, admiring your older Cuz, your own hair considerably shorter then it is now...

Look at the difference in your hair -- and you've had it cut since then...

Posing together for a nice Christmas Photo. It was a gorgeous day and an unexpected blessing to spend it together with you, sweetheart. Thanks to Nonna and Nonno for making it happen. As always, any time with you is absolutely wonderful.
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