Two Years Ago: Sick Baby Adessa
Adessa, there are some memories of you that are indelibly etched in my mind... places we've been, times we spent together, things we did. One of those memories is from New Year's Eve 2007, your first-ever New Year's Eve, just before your first birthday.
We spent it down in San Diego because your Nonna and Nonno had flown in to the airport there for a visit with us. We decided ahead of time to book a couple rooms at a hotel in the area and enjoy downtown San Diego for an extra day.
Everything seemed to be going well and we all were having a wonderful time... but you just didn't quite seem yourself that day. As it got later in the day and it became apparent you weren't feeling well. In fact, you were running quite a fever. It was getting late and on a major holiday we were concerned that we might get stuck in a jam-packed emergency room dealing with all the craziness that happens on New Year's Eve... and who knows how long they would have made you wait to see a doctor there.
But I truly believe that God provided for you: we were able to find an Urgent Care clinic downtown that was open until 9:00pm... and it was almost that time so your Mommy and I bundled you up very quickly and the three of us dashed off for that clinic like Mario Andretti heading up the home stretch of the Indy 500.
You were understandably in a bad mood... not feeling well, up well past your bedtime, and having to be poked and prodded by nurses and a physician.
I remember clearly that the people at the clinic were so kind and gentle... we'd been worried that the place may be packed and that they might be unhappy that we'd be keeping them past closing time. Neither was true. They were so sweet and understanding and had genuine compassion on our sick little daughter.
You were one sleepy little girl, as this photo catching you in a big yawn can attest. Turned out you had an ear infection... and it was a very good thing that we took you in to treat it right away -- they are very painful and can be dangerous.
By 10:00pm or so we were at a Rite Aid drug store in downtown San Diego to pick up your prescription for The Pink Stuff that is always prescribed to fight ear infections (yuck). Mommy went in to pick it up and I'll never forget sitting in the car with you in that parking lot watching hundreds of pedestrians on their way to New Year's Eve parties at clubs downtown. The whole downtown area was already turning into one big party and we were glad to be back at the hotel before New Year's Day arrived and things got really crazy.
It's funny how well I remember all this stuff... I remember exactly what the clinic looked like and I could even drive there again by memory. The Rite Aid, too. I also remember exactly how it felt holding you at that age in those fuzzy lavender pajamas... I can close my eyes right now and imagine it and it's like you're right here in my arms, at that age again.
We spent it down in San Diego because your Nonna and Nonno had flown in to the airport there for a visit with us. We decided ahead of time to book a couple rooms at a hotel in the area and enjoy downtown San Diego for an extra day.
Everything seemed to be going well and we all were having a wonderful time... but you just didn't quite seem yourself that day. As it got later in the day and it became apparent you weren't feeling well. In fact, you were running quite a fever. It was getting late and on a major holiday we were concerned that we might get stuck in a jam-packed emergency room dealing with all the craziness that happens on New Year's Eve... and who knows how long they would have made you wait to see a doctor there.
But I truly believe that God provided for you: we were able to find an Urgent Care clinic downtown that was open until 9:00pm... and it was almost that time so your Mommy and I bundled you up very quickly and the three of us dashed off for that clinic like Mario Andretti heading up the home stretch of the Indy 500.

By 10:00pm or so we were at a Rite Aid drug store in downtown San Diego to pick up your prescription for The Pink Stuff that is always prescribed to fight ear infections (yuck). Mommy went in to pick it up and I'll never forget sitting in the car with you in that parking lot watching hundreds of pedestrians on their way to New Year's Eve parties at clubs downtown. The whole downtown area was already turning into one big party and we were glad to be back at the hotel before New Year's Day arrived and things got really crazy.
It's funny how well I remember all this stuff... I remember exactly what the clinic looked like and I could even drive there again by memory. The Rite Aid, too. I also remember exactly how it felt holding you at that age in those fuzzy lavender pajamas... I can close my eyes right now and imagine it and it's like you're right here in my arms, at that age again.
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