Adessa, yesterday you were wearing one of my very favorite outfits of yours... your white tank top with ruffles and pink and brown polka dots along with matching pink pants and a cut little barrette. It got me thinking about how much you have grown and changed in this last year, and comparing pics of you yesterday with you wearing the
same outfit a little more than a year ago really bears this out.
Here you are in late June 2008... same outfit, same beautiful little girl...

...but, oh, what a difference a year makes! Here you are just a little over 13 months later. No longer looking so babyish, your hair becoming long and curly, and those pants that once went almost to your shoetops now barely make it past your knees.

And another photo from June 2008.... look how long that top is on you here.

And back to August 2009. It is amazing how drastic changes like this escape us because they happen a little bit at a time... day by day by day by day. And then we can hardly believe when we look back at how far you've come.

Adessa, I've said it before and I'll say it again... I love to watch you grow up but it is so bittersweet to behold how quickly you're changing from our little baby into a little girl right before our eyes.
But no matter how big you get, you will always be my baby girl.
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