Unfinished Posts: A Few of Your Favorite Things

Found another unfinished and unpublished blog post from August 9, 2010:

Adessa, there are quite a few seemingly ordinary items that, for whatever reason, have captured your imagination. In your hands, they become tools for Pre-Preschooler Science Projects in which you test the limits of physics -- and have a lot of fun doing so.

In short: these are a few of your favorite things:

1) Bella's dog leashes
I'm not sure why the fascination with Bella's leashes, but you love to grab them, hook them around table legs, chair legs, and, yes, my leg. You then link them end-to-end, or attach the hook end to Blankie-Bear, or your shirt, or a doorknob, or Bella's collar. You also love to test their absorption properties by submerging them in water bottles (or are these water displacement tests?). These days, if I want to find one of Bella's leashes, I look on a closet door handle or inside one of my water bottles.

2) My neckties
You love to get all my neckties out of my closet -- yes, every single one of them -- and then tie them on me, yourself, Bella, Teddy Bear, etc. But the best fun you have with the neckties is the great Ceiling Fan Experiment in which you test the aerodynamic properties of neckwear. This requires my help: you hand me my neckties and I drape them on the blades of the ceiling fan. You then flip the switch and we watch them fly off, one-by-one, all around the room. Rinse, lather, repeat. Fun!


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