
Adessa, I'm sorry I haven't written in this past week. I've been busy -- on the road driving the 2,000 miles between Southern California and Muscatine, Iowa.

That's a lot of distance and quite the change in weather, culture, lifestyle, etc.

I won't pretend to understand everything that has brought us here. Looking back twenty years from now, it will all likely make more sense than it does at this moment. But I do know that the highest calling I have in my life is being your Daddy, and I have absolutely no reservations about coming out here to close to you.

I want to be as involved in your life as possible, each and every day. More than ever, I take with the utmost seriousness the responsibility God has entrusted to me as your Daddy -- to raise you to the best of my ability in love, security, confidence, and the knowledge that even more than I or Mommy love you, God loves you.

I trust God will provide for us here. I believe He will use this place and its experiences to shape both of us in unexpected and amazing ways. I am proud to be your Daddy and blessed beyond words each day we have together.



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