Adessa with Ashlann with the beloved Fee dogs Chloe and Cooper. |
F is for Fee Family -- five people who have been wonderful friends to Adessa.
Adessa frolics with Ashlann in the Fees' backyard in a pastoral springtime scene |
There is a saying that goes: "If you want to hurt someone, hurt his child" -- anyone who is a parent knows the truth of this statement. I believe just as strongly in its converse: "If you want to bless someone, bless his child." More people than I can count have proved this out to me with the kindness they showed Adessa over the years and never have I been more blessed than when someone was gentle, generous, or kind to her. The Fees showed so much kindness to Adessa from the moment we walked into the doors of New Life Church in the spring of 2010 and I will always be immensely grateful for that.
Out to lunch with the Fees after church on Father's Day. |
Moving to a whole new place is awkward and daunting. When we met the Fees, they made us feel like more than just friends -- we felt like family. We were welcome in their home, they cooked us meals, invited us to lunch, gave us gifts -- in short, they were a godsend, welcoming us to a new area and helping us feel like we fit in and belonged more than anyone else did at the outset.
Ashlann pounding the drums while Adessa hams it up singing on the mic. |
Curtis and Dana and their three children Kenton, Jaden, and Ashlann are a wonderful example of what a family should be like and they live their lives in a very public setting as a pastor's family -- that can be difficult, at times. Adessa hit it off with Ashlann right away and I was so pleased to see the two of them become fast friends in a matter of hours.
Adessa shows off her Chicken Little book to a duly impressed Ashlann. |
The Fees were a big reason why Adessa soon grew to love to come to church. The first time we went to New Life, Adessa was understandably a little fearful. It was a new place and, aside from me, she knew no one. She was very clingy. As she got to know Ashlann, all of that changed. She opened up, her fears disappeared, and she got to asking me on a regular basis, "Can we go to church?"
Adessa paying rapt attention while Pastor Curtis shares the "Children's Treasure Box" on Sunday morning. |
Adessa and Ashlann pound out a joyous drum duet. |
This was Adessa's first meeting with Chloe the dog. |
Adessa plays on Ashlann's toy horse in the Fees' home. |
Out to lunch again with the Fees on a Sunday after church. |
Adessa and Ashlann pose with their chips -- the last pic I took of Adessa. |
To this day, the Fees remain faithful friends to Adessa as they continue to pray for her. When it comes to the big things in life, I don't believe in accidents; I believe that God brought the Fees into our lives at just the right time through some amazing circumstances. I am thankful for them and the influence they have had on Adessa's life.
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