Josie, Elin, and Chris Arrowsmith Bagdons posing with Adessa and me at the Mall of America. Josie was pregnant their son, Oscar, at the time; he's now one year old. |
M is Minnesota and in the summer of 2010, Adessa and I took a road trip up to Minnesota over Memorial Day weekend. It was a wonderful trip: spectacular weather, seeing many old friends and meeting some new ones, experiencing some new adventures together -- and I will always treasure those memories.
Adessa making a new friend in Elin Arrowsmith Bagdons. |
Among the old friends with whom we reacquainted ourselves were Chris and Josie Arrowsmith Bagdons. I've known Chris since I was born and it was great getting to spend the day with them and their daughter, Elin, at the Mall of America on our trip. Adessa had a blast with Elin.
Adessa riding the carousel at the Mall of America. |
Adessa and I cruising on the train ride together. |
Enjoying lunch with the Paulsons at Excelsior Beach. |
Over the weekend, we also got to spend time with new friends: Renee and Mark Paulson and their five kids. We met up at the beach in Excelsior, the little town I grew up in west of Minneapolis, and their entire family was so kind to Adessa -- she was enamored with all of them. We all had a wonderful time.
Adessa digging in the sand at Excelsior Beach. |
Adessa being escorted by Alena Paulson into the waters of Lake Minnetonka. |
Dinner on the deck at Bob and Fran Richter's home |
We stayed the entire weekend with Bob and Fran Richter. I've known them my entire life -- I grew up with their three boys and my brother and I spent countless days over at their home over the years. So Adessa and I brought that all full circle when we stayed at their home those four days.
Adessa was delighted to find that the Richters had very thoughtfully had a special gift for her arrival. She lit up like a Christmas tree when she discovered it was for her. |
Adessa -- and Bella -- very curiously checking out this mystery gift. |
I will never forget Adessa's reaction upon opening the present (which was a very nice plush bath towel with Adessa's named embroidered upon it): an enthusiastic "Thank you!" and hugs for both Bob and Fran. Adessa is unfailingly grateful for gifts. |
Looking back on these pictures is bittersweet not only for how much I miss Adessa, but I miss my friend, Bob, too. Adessa absolutely loved Bob and was drawn to him that entire weekend. He was quite ill at this point, having already been diagnosed with cancer, and he died just three months later. I am eternally grateful that we got to spend these days with him and Fran and that Adessa got to know him during that time. He was facing enormous difficulty in those days and the joy he shared with my daughter and me was something I will never forget. Fran, too, was a blessing to us that whole time and we shared a lot of laughs together.
Adessa embraces her beloved Yorkie, Bella. |
That whole trip was storybook-perfect and I'm grateful we got to spend that Memorial Day weekend together. It was like a dream come true and I think about it often.
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