Photo from the Storm
My computer's wallpaper is a collage of photographs of you and me together as well as some photos of you on your own. They span all the way from the day you were born to last month. Quite often, you ask me about those photos; you'll point to one and say "I want to watch that."
Yesterday, we spent a long time looking at photos and videos at your request -- you were fascinated. There were videos of you and me playing the guitar and piano last year, you laughing on the couch two years ago, you and me splashing in fountains together, etc. You'd watch these videos and often say, "I want that again" and we'd repeat it a time or two.
At one point, you spotted a picture of us that is part of my collage -- a photo of us together from April 2008:
You saw this and pointed to it and said, "I want to watch that." That brought a smile to my face because that's one of my favorite photographs of us -- perhaps even the favorite. I found it on my hard drive and let you look at it nice and big on the screen. I explained, "Adessa, this is us in the basement of Nonna and Nonno's house. There was a big storm outside -- see how my shirt is wet? We all went downstairs to be safe from the storm."
You were utterly engrossed by this photograph. I could see the wheels turning in your head and you said, "Make it talk, Daddy."
"I'm sorry honey, I don't have a video of that. We just have a photograph. It doesn't talk."
"But it needs to be talking."
I smiled, hugged you and said, "I wish I had a video of that, darling, but I don't. But I can tell you what I told you that day. I held you really close and said, 'It's OK, Adessa, you're safe in your Daddy's arms.'"
That seemed to satisfy you, at least for the moment. We looked at a lot of other photographs and videos. Your first steps. Riding the Teacups at Disneyland. Dancing in our living room. But every few minutes, you'd say "I want to see the picture of the storm again." So we'd go back and look at that photograph again and again. I didn't mind that one bit; I've probably looked at that photo a thousand times myself and I don't think I'll ever tire of it.
Yesterday, we spent a long time looking at photos and videos at your request -- you were fascinated. There were videos of you and me playing the guitar and piano last year, you laughing on the couch two years ago, you and me splashing in fountains together, etc. You'd watch these videos and often say, "I want that again" and we'd repeat it a time or two.
At one point, you spotted a picture of us that is part of my collage -- a photo of us together from April 2008:

You were utterly engrossed by this photograph. I could see the wheels turning in your head and you said, "Make it talk, Daddy."
"I'm sorry honey, I don't have a video of that. We just have a photograph. It doesn't talk."
"But it needs to be talking."
I smiled, hugged you and said, "I wish I had a video of that, darling, but I don't. But I can tell you what I told you that day. I held you really close and said, 'It's OK, Adessa, you're safe in your Daddy's arms.'"

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