Adessa's Travels

How many states have you visited? I count 16:
- California
- Arizona
- Oregon
- Washington
- Idaho
- Montana
- North Dakota
- Minnesota
- Iowa
- Illinois
- Missouri
- Kansas
- Arkansas
- Oklahoma
- Texas
- New Mexico
- Florida
- Georgia
- South Carolina
- North Carolina
- Virginia
- Delaware
- New Jersey
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Ohio
- Indiana
Add in your visit to British Columbia, Canada and you clearly have earned the title of World Traveler. It is so much fun to look back on our travels together and over the next several weeks I'm going to go through pictures and videos and post stories from all kinds of different places you've visited in your three short years... kind of a travelogue. I don't want to forget these special times and places and I want you to be able to see them for yourself as you get older, too.
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