Adessa's Travels: Fredericksburg, TX - Part 2
Some more snaps from our visits to Fredericksburg, TX in 2007 and 2008, starting with three from Nov. 2007:
The Christmas season was in full swing here in late November. Fredericksburg had adorned its town square/park with loads of decorations, including Santa's sleigh. You are 10 months old here.
This was your first Christmas season... little did you know the joy the "Ho Ho Express" would soon be bringing your way...
You and I enjoying the brisk weather outside.
Bella posing in a gingerbread doghouse.
A lovely set of antlers hung on the wall of the Rathskeller restaurant. I recall Mommy commenting that nothing is more appetizing than seeing something from a dead animal hung on the wall. I must say I agree with this sentiment.
The rest of these pics are from our August 2008 visit:
Walking down Fredericksburg's Main Street. You are now 19 months old.
Right on Main Street is the childhood home of Admiral Chester Nimitz, a World War II hero whom the town proudly celebrates. And behind this home... a lovely courtyard with gardens and fountains, both of which you were anxious to explore.
Admiring a very old and tall fountain.
Later that night, snuggled warmly in your pajamas, we shared a book together before your bedtime.
This book, Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush, was a favorite of yours on this trip.
Of course, you also got some playtime with Bella before bed... the perfect way to wind down before you were off to Dreamland.

The rest of these pics are from our August 2008 visit:

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