
"Hi Daddy."

I didn't know that just hearing you say those two words would melt my heart and bring me to tears in an instant. "Hi Daddy," when you turned and saw me walk up, spoken with an innocent smile as if these two months apart had never happened.

You are even more graceful, beautiful, and wonderful than I remembered and seeing you was like witnessing a miracle from heaven, a vision from a dream. I picked you up to embrace you and you laid your little head on my shoulder, hugged me tight with your left arm, still clutching
your Blankie Bear in your right.

The changes are amazing: your hair grown into soft ringlets; your growing sense of humor; the undeniable brightness of your mind and the way you express yourself.

You pointed to a tub of soil and told me "Flowers grow in there. And roses." Yes, I am biased... but to hear you say something like that while you are still not yet two-and-a-half years old... well, I'll indulge a bit at this point and just go ahead and call you a super-genius.

Daddy got a new camera especially for this -- but he forgot to get a memory expansion card. Fortunately, there were some great shots among the few photos we got.

Oh, yes... Bella was very glad to see you after all this time, too.

Adessa, I promise you that I will always love you more than anything or anyone else in this world, and I thank God every day that He enstrusted your Mommy and me with such a special and wonderful little girl. I love you beyond words.



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